Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Random Thoughts before I slumber...

Once again I don't have too many random thoughts but I couldn't pass up the chance to pass some great material along, without permission too!

1) The song "Ecstasy of Gold" from the soundtrack of The Good, The Bad, and the Ulgy has been in my head all day. While I do enjoy a cover of it performed by Metallica I am talking about the original in this case.

2) While I do not consider myself new to the blogging world, there are some parts of it I am not very active about. Perhaps the biggest reason is that it is something that could easily occupy my entire day. So it comes as a surprise to me when I am reminded that the world wide web is indeed world wide. This opens up some interesting opportunities to read perspective from people I have never met. In particular I want to point out a blog whose author recently left a tip (i.e. comment) after sampling the buffet. The "New Jersey Jesus" is an intriguing and inspiring read that I highly recommend. (I don't know if there is a formality where you ask bloggers if you can link to their stuff, so I'm just going to do it!)

3) I appreciate bloggers who take the time to browse and read other random blogs. I don't want to discourage anyone from stopping by. If you are eating at the Random Thought Buffet don't be afraid to leave a comment. I've been to some fascinating blogs that cover some interesting aspects of life. Some of them aren't even Christian. To be honest, those are the ones that fascinate me the most. I've grown up in the Church my entire life, and while I do not regret that at all I am very interested to see life from other perspectives.

4) We live in a world that is very connected. To further emphasize this point (as if #2 and #3 didn't already do that) a few weeks ago I was on Xbox Live playing a simple board game (Ticket to Ride). To my amazement the three people I was playing with were all chattering most of the game in German. When I finally mustered the courage to attempt to say hi in their native tongue I was amazed that they all spoke English, and we had a nice chat. My favorite remark came when I said, "I can't understand most of what you all are saying but I am really enjoying this experience." The person who was in last place in the game hastily replied "I'm not."

5) Relationships are a central experience to life. Points #2, #3, and #4 and helped to demonstrate how easy it is to connect to people. I hate to go cheesy and Osteen here but connecting with God is just as easy. Sometimes us "Christians" really over complicate this. We make it look like you have to act perfect, hide your faults and act happy and goofy to show how much we love Jesus. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact I think if you took the whole Bible and summarized it into one sentence it would read something like this: "You are loved. I want you to know that." (BSNSGNJS) And when you know, or experience that truth in your life it doesn't leave you the same. That's about as simple as it gets in my mind at least.

6) In case you are wondering what that group of letters in parenthesis stood for, well when you quote the Bible you usually put which version you used. So I thought I should reference that I read from the "Brand Spankin New Some Guy Named James Summarization." And by read I really mean made up on the spot.

7) This post's verse of encouragement comes from the NASB translation of Psalm 34:13-14 "The Lord looks from Heaven; He sees all the sons of men; From His dwelling place He looks out on all the inhabitants of the Earth." Nothing too fancy to that one. I felt it went well with my summarization. Have a good night!


Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

Dang it! I missed your steaks and my roommate and I didn't even get to hang out! She had a change of plans.

Jon Hatter said...

I don't know if you've seen this or not but it's awesome. Enjoy...


In other news, it looks like I may be spending my Fridays in Lansing this semester. We will hook up. Fun will be had.