Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Random Thoughts a Year Late

6 days into 2009 and I have no idea what to think. Lots I said I would post about and no idea where I'll end up as usual. Let's get down to business!

1) I am enjoying the job at Speedway. If I didn't feel called to Youth Ministry and could make enough to earn a living I would love to invest in a career there. You get hundreds of one time opportunities to impact people. You get more long-term opportunities with the employees obviously and that's cool too.

2) Still no word from the Churches I put in for. A little frustrated about this. Trusting that God is in control and again there's no doubt that he's using me where I'm at so I'm trying not to worry about it.

3) I watched the premiere of ABC's new season of Scrubs...the show that ended last season only to be bought out and brought back. Here's my thing: I did not like the ending of Scrubs. However, after I thought about it and re-watched it, I couldn't help but feel it was perfect, just like the Seinfeld ending. It encapsulated the show perfectly. Now the show is back, and while the second episode that showed tonight was powerful at the same time the show is lacking.

4) Videogame updates and mini-reviews.
- Left 4 Dead: Zombie survival game. Incredible and one of the funnest games I've played in a long time. Great originality. Bought by my future brother-in-law Erik. A lot of fun.
- Fable II. Christmas Present. Very involving and fun Role-Playing Game. Your actions (good and bad) not only impact the appearance of your character but the world around you as a whole. A very interesting concept. Not as solid as the first one story-wise, but I have enjoyed my time with it.
- Guitar Hero World Tour: Erik got it. Huge drum set as well as a huge play list of songs. Not particularly challenging though.

5) Christmas Presents? I wasn't expecting much this year and was grateful for the time spent with family on Christmas day. So what did I walk away with? Let's see...
- Season 7 of Scrubs
- Seasons 3 and 4 of the Office
- Trivial Pursuit: SNL DVD edition...no idea who to play this with by the way.
- Rechargeable battery packs for Wii-Motes (great investment)
- A "Nerf Blow-Gun" handmade by my cousin. Works too well...

6) A previous post on my blog featured a person (Remi Galliard) attempting to play "Mario Kart" in real life. It is kind of funny. A couple of weeks ago Chris, Blue and myself found the website of the guy who did that video. Turns out he's a big French comedian. We started watching some of the other videos on his website. Without meaning to we watched them all and I can't tell you how much we laughed. The guy is stinking hilarious. I won't link to his site due to one or two videos some might find questionable.

I will feature another one of his videos because he is that funny. This guy is all about breaking the cultural norm and doing what he can to get a response out of people. Check out this elevator oddity and see if you could imagine what you would do if this happened to you.


Unknown said...

Technically, ABC has owned Scrubs for it whole run. That is why the DVD are distributed by Buena Vista (another Disney owned company). Between last year's WGA strike and poor management choices by NBC, the creative forces behind the show felt fans deserved more at the conclusion of the show then what they got from Season 7. And as for the "finale", NBC pulled the sweeps episode out of the middle of the run and decided to play it last, that is why Dr. Kelso was still Chief of Medicine, even though Dr. Cox had been previously given the interim position. I am glad the show is back and on a network that respects the show and its fans (read advertises the dang show).

James Pahl said...

Thanks for the info Ben, that actually makes a lot of sense.

With how abruptly the show ended I still felt that the episode was a fitting end to the show.

With what you've shared I am actually glad they decided to do at least one more season, though I'm not too sure I like it so far. The show works so well because of the character dynamics, and the first new episodes have changed those dynamics dramatically.

Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

Thanks for the encouraging comment. It was a very fun class. There were a few more fun conversations later that afternoon and today. I'm really excited to see what God is up to this semester.

I'm so glad to hear you are enjoying the job. Don't be a stranger to the blog world.