Sunday, September 14, 2008

Random Thoughts during Saturday Night Live

1) SNL used to be funny, what happened? Even Michael Phelps isn't adding anything to the show. On a side note I will say that guest star Tina Fey did a phenomenal Palin.

2) I meant to write about this on Thursday, but I didn't get to it. It's interesting to me that I can still remember the exact moment I found out about what happened on 9/11 seven years ago. I remember that moment, what I did immediately afterwards, and nothing else about that day. As I understand it you'll be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't remember where they were and what they were doing as they found out about it.

3) When I think about 9/11 now I am encouraged because right after it the country was united. Is it possible that humanity only exhibits its best qualities as a reaction to the worst circumstances? Just thinking out loud.

4) I didn't think it would take two points to emphasize this, but SNL IS TERRIBLE.


Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

Now I don't feel so bad for going to bed before it was over.

Keep the blogs coming!

Jon Hatter said...

Hey. Are we still on for this Friday?!

Jon Hatter said...

I'll get to GLCC around 7:30 in the morning and will be there until around 5:00pm. I have no set plans between those two times and can most often be found at the ping-pong table lamenting over lost skills. I'll see you there!