Monday, April 28, 2008

Save the Keytar, Save the World

This weekend at Believe we got to meet a junior high student whose name is Evan. Evan is passionate about a very specific issue in the world today, and it is one he has been advocating for a long time.

Evan is passionate about the near-extinct species known as the Key tar. His fire and his desire to see this species saved knows no boundaries. He has rescued a key tar himself, and he gives it the love that it deserves.

If you have some spare time, or are curious as to what kind of silly things they do at CIY's Believe conference, then you will want to check out his website: Save the Key Tar. There are some videos where Evan talks about the Key Tar and his urge to see it as a redeemed, non en-dangered and honorable species. There are other videos on the site as well, including the "Mas Tortillas" video, which I believe will become the summer smash hit of CIY's Move conference.

Believe was a great conference. If you've never heard of it let me tell you a little about it. Believe is the only conference I know of that tailors all its material exclusively for junior high students. This year they did a phenomenal job. The worship was great, Steve Carter from Mars Hill spoke with some powerful messages, and their other entertainment was impressive. From Brent the Stunt Guy to Evan the Key Tar advocate, they had a lot to keep the junior high students engaged. Several of our students were fired up about God and at their age it is incredible to see them get excited about God and realize they can do something to further his Kingdom.

Save the Key Tar.


Anonymous said...

I find it necessary to mention this...

Just as other methods must be adopted in order to save other endagered species, so I believe that preserving the mullet is key (pun intended) to saving the Keytar. Long live the Keytar and long live the mullet.

James Pahl said...

If we simplify it further I think we could simply say "Save the 90's!"